Hochschule Niederrhein
University of Applied Sciences
Reinarzstraße 49
47805 Krefeld
Phone: +49 (0)2151 822-0
Telefax: +49 (0)2151 822-3998
E-Mail: webmaster(at)
The Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences is a public corporation. It is legally represented by the President Dr. Thomas Grünewald.
Responsible Project Management Project iFoot
Prof. Dr. -Ing. Hubert Otten
Despite careful control of the contents, we do not assume any liability for the contents of external links.
The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.
Information on online dispute resolution
Pursuant to Article 14 (1) of the ODR Regulation (EU Regulation No. 524/2013), the EU Commission provides an internet platform for the online resolution of disputes (so-called "ODR platform"). The ODR platform serves as a contact point for the out-of-court settlement of disputes concerning contractual obligations arising from online purchase contracts. The customer can access the ODR platform at the following link: